It is with deep sadness that after 19 years Sporting Sites Worldwide, owners of Napchecker will go into liquidation at the end of September. Unfortunately post Covid the business never picked up again and has been losing money. We have made the site free to access for the rest of this month, but no new data will go live after that. This has been a hard decision, but forced on us.

Nap Time - Who was hot in June

Nap Time – whose was hot in June?

June was another productive month for Farringdon of the Morning Star. Thanks to winners of the calibre of 16/1 Classic Seniority (York, 10 June) and 10/1 Intense Style (Doncaster, 12 June) Farringdon headed the June naps table with an SP profit of 22.3 points.

Farringdon finished narrowly ahead the Scotsman’s Glendale, who ended the month with a 19.3- point yield which included significant returns on 12/1 Shrewd (York, 10 June) and 10/1 Storm Ahead (Salisbury, 22 June). In all, Glendale posted 7 winning naps from 26 selections (27% strike-rate).

The Racing Post’s Spotlight and Ratings services both enjoyed profitable months. Ten of Ratings 29 nap selections prevailed (34.5%), while Spotlight found 9 winning naps from just 26 selections (34.6%). However, from the perspective of strike-rate, Simpson of the Blackpool Gazette, was untouchable scoring with 15 out of 26 naps – a 57.6% strike-rate.

At the time of writing (10 July), Farringdon leads the 2016 naps table with an overall profit of 32 points. Simpson sits second with 28.5 points, just 0.4 points ahead of the Sunday Mirror’s Gary Nutting, with Fortunatus of the Sheffield Star fourth.

July has brought out the best of the Irish Independent’s Captain Keen, who is already boasting a 36.2- point yield on all July tips. Winners include 20/1 Diamonds A Dancing (Chepstow, 8 July) and 14/1 Rajar (Kempton, 6 July).

Spotlight of the Racing Post has carried June’s good work on into July. Two 9/1 winners, Yorkindred Spirit (Yarmouth, 6 July) and Free Zone (Carlisle, 2 July), have contributed to a 20.0-point profit for the first week and a bit of July.

Newsboy (Daily Mirror), Postdata (Racing Post) Richard Forristal (also of the Irish Independent) and the Irish Times’ Captain John have also been in form fettle, all currently boasting profits for July.

As ever, it is worth remembering that the stats above have been settled at the returned starting price. As the tips are all advised well before the event, prospective punters should look for the best prices as this will frequently lead to better pay-outs.

Date Published: 10/07/2016